
  Health Fitness Revolution is proud to announce that our efforts to help the homeless in Houston is expanding, and we are organizing a “Walking Out of Homelessness”…

This is going to work so good for your body Here are 10 reasons why you should drink green smoothies: 1. More energy 2. Regular digestion 3. Reduced cravings for sugar & salt 4. Fewer mood swings 5. Lose weight! 6. Your skin becomes radiant! 7. You may feel an urge to start exercising 8. […]


Do you know what the second leading cause of death is in the United States? Cancer! Cancer has the characteristic of developing abnormal cells that have the ability to spread and destroy body tissue throughout your body. Survival rates are improving for many types of cancers, but the question many people ask is: Will I […]

Our sister station PRAISEHOUSTON.com posted this remarkable story about a man, Bernando LaPolla who is 110 years old and credits the ingredients of honey, cinnamon, olive oil and garlic for his outstanding health. Check out Bernando’s 10 Secrets To Living a Longer Life: GARLIC Garlic can be used to treat high cholestrol, parasites, respiratory problems, poor […]

Your heart is the most valued part of your body and keeping a healthy lifestyle is important when it comes to protecting your heart. Heart disease is the most common disease in the world and can be very fatal if not taking serious. Your heart is a systematic machine that controls the flow of blood […]

VIA: Men’sFitness.Com Translated: Fre Flo Do will kick your butt. All exercises take place on a tortuous contraption Clarke created called the Launchpad. “It looks like something out of the Jetsons,” he confesses. Think of a treadmill with no hand supports or digital display. Oh yeah, it also rotates. “It puts people in a freaky […]