
Via: 1. Myth: Only women can get breast cancer. Reality: Dads, husbands, and brothers can develop breast cancer, too, but it’s far less common in men than it is in women. Every year, about 2,000 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer, compared with about 200,000 women. 2. Myth: Breast cancer is the most common cause of death […]


MSNBC is reporting that there is a new study which proves that women are better than men at parking. The study was conducted in the United Kingdom and showed that although women may take longer to park, they possess better skills at maneuvering into a parking space. Read More

Regardless of their station in life, many black women feel they are defined by stereotypes and myths foisted upon them, according to a nationwide survey conducted by The Washington Post and the Kaiser Family Foundation.

As we recognize World AIDS Day today, its imperative that we continue to raise awareness and educate the masses.  Being responsible and protecting ourselves and others is one of our main goals.Â