
Via: Finances.MSN.Com Check this out and lets all learn from it right here.

Believe in yourself.  Always have faith.  Blessings come with patience.

Via: By Antonio Neves   Six years ago, I graduated from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. And then, nothing happened. Like nothing.I couldn’t get a job to save my life and here I was with an expensive degree in my hand from the best “J-School” in the country and solid work experience […]

My mother thought of human lives as she thought of the roses that grew in the front yard: sometimes they wilted, sometimes they almost died; yet with a “little loving care,” a “little gentleness,” a “little concern,” those roses always bloomed again. –James Thomas Jackson                               On this day,  I will take five minutes to talk […]

Patience has its limits. Take it too far and it’s cowardice. –George Jackson On this day, I will list three things I can do today to help my sons on the road of life. Read more…

With so many people focused on dieting and being fit in the new year, I thought I would share this article by Gabrielle Johnson, a weight loss advocate.

“Let your haters be your motivators” is a very common phrase and theme in today’s culture. A hater is someone who is envious of someone else’s success, drive and/or ambition; driven by jealousy, they attempt to tear down, destroy or cast an aspersion on the other person’s success. In my humble opinion, I believe that […]