Black History Month

This year marks 50 years since Freedom Summer, when nearly 1,000 volunteers travelled throughout the Southern United States to register black Americans to vote. Many…

A new study finds that despite enduring more hardships and coming face-to-face with as much societal strife than at any other point in history, black males have now grown more resilient than ever before.

According to a new study, sleep is a hot commodity in the U.S.  A new national survey by the Better Sleep Council says 61 percent of Americans would choose sleep over sex. Women, some 69 percent, make up that number.

Via: Marriage rates in the United States have hit an all-time low, dropping from a 1960 high of 72 percent to just barely half. Leading family scholars are troubled. Studies show that children from cohabitating and single-parent households face increased risks for a wide range of social, emotional, and economic ills compared with their […]

Black marriage has been a topic much in the news lately, notes Stephanie Robinson.   Via:   Over the years, I’ve talked about black relationships a lot. I keep coming back to it because relationships are the base of strength in our community. Marriage. Family.In fact, the reason why the impact of slavery is […]

One of the hardest part of addressing the HIV/AIDS issue is having the conversation about getting tested, knowing one’s status and practicing safer sex – especially when the people involved have pledged themselves to a monogamous relationship.