KMJQ Featured Video
HEB Women's History Month

Source: General / Radio One Digital

We partnered with HEB this Women’s History Month to highlight ’31 Days, 31 Women’ and today we are celebrating Neisha Blandin, the youngest member of and the only person of color on the Democratic Data Exchange’s board of directors. 

Head of political strategy at Swing Left: A veteran of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential run, guided about 170 federal and state campaigns through a myriad of issues. Neisha is the Head of Political Strategy at Swing Left, a national grassroots organization that recruits and trains an army of volunteers, and raises funds from grassroots donors for competitive swing races.

Previously, Neisha served as the Vice President of Opportunity and Engagement for the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, where she oversaw their volunteer and community engagement program.

Neisha brings over ten years of experience working for major Democratic organizations, candidates, and progressive causes. She’s worked for the Democratic National Committee, where she oversaw state Democratic parties in the Northeast, and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign in several political and fundraising roles. She’s held roles at Change Research, an innovative polling start-up, and the Robin Hood Foundation in New York City.

Neisha serves on the board of the Democratic Data Exchange and resides in Washington, DC.