Black Pearls

Do I believe I’m blessed? Of course I do! In the first place, my mother told me so, many, many times, and when she did it was always quietly, confidently. -Duke Ellington On this day, I will compliment my sons on at least one thing.  Read more…

Sometimes the runt pig beats the whole litter growing. – African American proverb   On this day, I will ask myself, “How strong a link between our past and our promise am I?”  And am I preparing my sons to be the strongest link they can be? Read more…

Fitness can be as easy as calling a friend and going for a walk around the neighborhood. Even better, take your husband and kids along and make fitness a family affair. -Florence Griffith Joyner On this day, I will suggest to my family that we engage in some sort of physical exercise together.  And if […]

I did not realize the, but the phrase, “We are very proud of you,” always with the emphasis on very, boosted me immeasurably through the years. -Jonah Martin Edelman On this day, I will take five minutes to consider whether I express pride in my sons only after they have succeeded in some specific task.  […]

Affirmative action begin at home.  -Detroit barber On this day, I will take five minutes whether I am exhausting every opportunity to secure opportunities that will permit my sons to stretch to their potential and get in touch with what life has to offer. Read more…