People tend to think you need a lot of time, money and a fancy gym to exercise. This is not always true! Here are five basic exercises that can be done from your office, home or where ever you are! 1) Walking – If you have stairs in your home, go up and down them […]

Want to tone your body, but don’t have the time to spend at a gym?  Here are 4 ways to tone your body and feel great just in time for summer: Kickboxing Kickboxing works every muscle in your body from head to toe. Not only does it offer one of the greatest calorie-burning opportunities in […]

Summertime is approaching and time to swap out our winter clothes for fun summer gear.  Having toned sexy arms to showcase your favorite summer tops and dresses are idea!  Wanna know how? Check out Hollywood Trainer Jeanette Jenkins top 3 exercises achieve this!

Abs! When it comes to muscle toning, abs workouts usually top the list. Health clubs, exercise DVDs and infomercials, so much has been dedicated to shaping the middle. But one problem with most ab exercises is that one key component is missing: the lower back. Lower back muscles need equal attention, but you’ll never see […]

Hip Hop star Lil Cease took control and transformed his life and body and want you to do the same.  In his new video, “Hardbody Fitness”, the Brooklyn native shows you how to turn your flab into hard muscle you’d be proud of.