Newly confirmed Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson actually said that slaves were immigrants during a speech to department employees Monday.

A new study from the Pew Research Center says that the number of African immigrants moving to America has almost doubled each decade since 1970.

Kelly Osbourne is apologizing for statements she made aimed at Donald Trump and his outlandish comments regarding the Latino community.

The bloody origins of the Dominican Republic’s ethnic ‘cleansing’ of Haitians — tejwo (@tejwo) June 16, 2015 In what critics describe as ethnic “cleansing,”…

Today thousands of undocumented immigrants began filing in lawyers’ offices and legal help centers in the hopes of filling out paperwork that will grant them temporary amnesty from deportation. The form, entitled the  “Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals,”  gives those who came to the  U.S. as undocumented children the right to seek employment. […]