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This morning as I dropped my toddler off at school as usual, something abnormal happened, he cried like crazy. This was abnormal for him, as he has been at this school for almost a year now. The only difference I could think of was the fact that he’s in a different teachers class and he hasn’t quite adapted yet. It stirred me into thought, as he’s never really cried this way. I assured him that he was going to have a great day and I disappeared from the class, as to encourage him to carry on into the class and sit with the rest of the children. Still, it has not set well with me today. Is he overreacting because he just doesn’t want “Mommy” to leave? Or is there a different vibe he’s getting from being with a new teacher? I cant call it. It’s certainly difficult when he’s only two and doesn’t quite understand how to express himself.

Here an angry mom visits her daughters school after hearing that a teacher has “put hands” on her. In return, the parent “puts hands” on the teacher. While I can say this is NOT the correct way to handle hearing that your child is not getting along with a teacher. Although, as a parent, I can relate in general, to being enraged behind even the thought of someone harming your child. Read more plus see photos from what  happened with this mom here.

Singer Monica shares how she handled a disagreement with her sons teacher below: