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2020 has been a historic year filled with a pandemic and social injustice protesting through out the world and as we kiss 2020 good bye 2020 has one more bit of sad news for the ladies before it left.  Female Starz ‘Power’ fans were in mourning when Dre got lit up in flames towards the end of the season 6.  Well today we have congratulatory news that will have the ladies in tears all over again, Dre is officially off the market.

Congratulations are in order as the actor/rapper Rotimi went live to share the news that he asked his longtime girlfriend, Instagram model, Vanessa Mdee, to be his wife and she said yes.

You are my everything. My angel. In 2015 I prayed that whoever my wife was going to be and wherever she was at the moment I hoped that she was happy, having a good day and receiving GODS abundance.

Fast forward… YOU… you make me such a better man.. Im in debt to GOD For you. I will pay him back by loving you & giving you eveyrhing that you deserve. Nakupenda

Congratulations and many blessings to Rotimi and the future Mrs. Buttascotch.

Take a look at the videos and posts below:

Sam Sylk Show with Bijou Star

Source: Radio One Digital

Rotimi Is Officially Off The Market, Engaged To Singer Vanessa Mdee [VIDEO]  was originally published on