

FROM SHINE.COM: These research-proven pick-me-ups will get you going and keep you charged, even if you’ve had too little sleep.

FROM GLAMOUR: Want to stand out in a sea of LBDs? Eva, Cassie, and Adrienne already have. Get their playfully sexy vibe for yourself with these look-at-me dresses in the sunniest of shades. SEE MORE HERE! GALLERY: 10 Summer Little White Dresses GALLERY: 10 Easy, Breezy Maxi Dresses For Summer

FROM SHINE.COM: Often the worst wardrobe mishaps—a missing button or broken bra strap—happen as you are running from meeting to meeting or chained to your desk with no sewing kit in sight. However, you can avoid a Janet Jackson-esque wardrobe malfunction and keep your chic office outfits looking tailored by using common office supplies. Here’s […]

Check out this promotional image of Beyonce who will be participating in the Oxfam Curiosity Shop Celebrity Auction. She, along with several other A-list celebs, has joined with Oxfam and Selfridges to create, set-up, stock and staff Britain’s biggest charity pop-up shop. The item she’s donating is this one-shoulder butterfly tunic dress by House of […]


This morning as I was stripping my bed to do a load of laundry I realized it had been a full two weeks since I’d last washed them—which had me wondering if there were adverse side effects to changing them at that rate.

May 9th 2010 was the 50th anniversary of the day that the FDA gave women a life altering tool. A tool so powerful that it could affect a woman’s fate in one of the biggest decisions she would make in her life. It is the day that they approved birth control for women. In commemoration […]

Yellow is not always the easiest color to wear, but if you balance it with a muted color like grey, it becomes much easier to pull off. Check out some of our favorite yellow and gray pieces:


Tips from The office can be the least comforting place to be.  I mean it only makes sense being that you are there to work! Nonetheless, there is no reason to have to spend most of your day in an environment that you don’t enjoy to be in!  Take a look at a few […]

( – Even if you wear a svelte size and work out regularly to stay lean, you may be struggling with one frustrating figure flaw that most women can relate to: cellulite.

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(from Mother’s Day is an opportunity to fete your mom with flowers and to wear macaroni necklaces from your own tots. But it’s also an excuse to really connect, to dig in deep with the woman who had the bravery to bring you into this world.

Hair braiding is one of the most beloved African-American traditions, passed down from generations of women in kitchens and on porches. But now, lawmakers in Illinois are attempting to require hair braiders to get a cosmetology degree (which can cost up to $15,000) and then apply for a license… Read more: Via: