
The Secret to a New Life (In Twenty-One Days).   This writing addresses issues that will help you live a happier, more harmonious, and healthier life. The Secret to a New Life is a metaphysical primer.  It is a “How to” book that encourages you to do what is necessary for you to be what […]

When you allow the wrong people in your house, stuff will come up missing like: joy, peace, love, hope, faith…(Yes, people steal these things) – Peace & Blessings

Sorrow, makes me human. Failure, makes me humble. Success, makes me glowing. But only GOD, keeps me going

Success woke me up, Motivation made me breakfast, Destiny gave me my agenda and the Lord gave me his blessings…

You can follow your dreams or end up working for some one who followed theirs – Peace & Blessings.

Judas is a reminder that your enemies THINK they are betraying you at your height, when their betrayal just takes you to another level – Peace & Blessings!!

When answers aren’t enough, kneel on your knees and pray.  Prayer is the best booster for all questioning Hearts – Peace & Blessings!! Follow Chilly Bill Smith on Twitter: Click Here “LIke” Chilly Bill Smith on Facebook: Click Here

If you make the mistake of setting your schedule to somebody else’s agenda, you will always end up being late for your own destiny..  Peace & Blessings!! Follow Chilly Bill on Twitter: Click Here Like Chilly Bill on Facebook: Click Here:

” He who has faith has… an inward reservoir of courage, hope, confidence, calmness, and assuring trust that all will come out well – even though to the world it may appear to come out most badly.” Peace & Blessings!!

Psalm 130 says:  “wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in His word I put my hope.” But what are you doing while you wait? Waiting for the Lord to bless you with a better job? Get more training. Waiting for the Lord to bless you with a mate? Start exercising & eating better […]

When you expect less of yourself and others that’s usually what you will get. Your God is a God of high expectations. Expect God to perform miracles in your life and that is what He will do. Expect! Expect! Expect! Peace and Blessings!!