A white woman is suing a sperm bank for wrongful birth and breach of warranty citing “emotional distress” and “economic loss” after having a half-Black baby as a…

Can I Get A Amen!!!!“You treat me like your secretary!”  Have  you ever heard that brothers?  Or thats not how my Mother did it, have you heard that ladies?  brother you got to get it together !! Click here to read Fellas Your Wife Is Not Your Mother

Lessons From Momhttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/05/08/little-life-lessons_n_5242508.html#eyJocmVmIjoiaHR0cDovL3d3dy5odWZmaW5ndG9ucG9zdC5jb20vIiwiYWRVbml0Ijp7InNlcnZlciI6ImlidyIsImlkIjoiOTM0MTY2MjAiLCJtb2JpbGUiOmZhbHNlfSwibGFiZWwiOiJIb21lcGFnZS0gTGVmdCBSYWlsIFVuaXQiLCJzZWxlY3RvciI6Ii5mZWF0dXJlZC1ibG9nLWhlYWRlciIsImNyZWF0aXZlIjoiZmFhMjMzYzU3NmI2NDA3ZTk1MjNlZWJjMDk1MDAxZjMiLCJleHBlcmllbmNlVHlwZSI6ImluYm91bmQifQ3D3D

Stephanie Mills is still active and shares her plans for the future with blackdoctor.org. Click to READ MORE.

“Listen listen…But Linda, honey, honey, look at this.”  LMBO!! Watch this 3 year old debate with his mother.  This is TOO FUNNY!!  The baby articulated his point very well to just be  3 years old.


According to Pulse of Radio, Jennifer Hudson said that she gets signs from her late mom Darnell Donnerson all the time. In an interview with E!, Jennifer said about her mom, “My mother wasn’t very talkative, but now that she’s gone, I’m like, ‘Wow, she had a lot to say!’ There’s not a day that goes by [that] I […]

The epitome of an unselfish servant and Windsor Village UMC First Mom. Learn more about Jean LaNell Hines Mom Caldwell here

Ratchet is as ratchet does and has no limits.  It seems as though Omarosa’s mother punched Claudia Jordan on the red carpet at the BET Awards yesterday, allegedly.  Click here for the whole story.

So there was a big concert in support of women this past weekend in London. The Sound of Change concert, a charitable event promoting education,…


O.K. just watch the video and you will have to tell a friend about The Kid President and his Mothers Day Message. Click Here for More