I like to add prayer with your kids and I hope this never has to happen but incase it does her are some steps  click here

Via: hellobeautiful.com It is important that we talk to our children about how to be safe. Children everyday go missing, assaulted or abused. Prevention is the only way to keep them safe. I realize this more and more as my daughter gets older. Strangers always approach her to tell her how cute she is and they always […]

Via: defendernetwork.com Being a stay-at-home mom doesn’t mean that raising your child is your only job. What does it mean to be a stay-at-home mom? This is one job that doesn’t have an exact set of responsibilities, expectations or for that matter yearly monetary raise. Ha! As a stay-at-home mom, I sometimes wonder how the […]


Via: youtube.com The Obamas talk marriage in New York Times Magazine and Today In a piece that is featured in the Nov. 1 issue of the New York Times Magazine, the Obamas talk about their marriage and how it has changed, or not changed since moving to the White House.

Via: huffingtonpost.com Marriage rates in the United States have hit an all-time low, dropping from a 1960 high of 72 percent to just barely half. Leading family scholars are troubled. Studies show that children from cohabitating and single-parent households face increased risks for a wide range of social, emotional, and economic ills compared with their […]

Via: defendernetwork.com The end is nigh. I just know it. But in my mind’s eye, I light incense and offer up the dregs of my daughter’s food — crushed Cheerios, half-eaten veggie hotdogs and glue-hard mac and cheese — to the mysterious forces that hold sway over my child’s sleep patterns. Please, Toddler Sleep Gods, […]

Via: defendernetwork.com We cannot always protect our children from every possible threat, but we can help them feel more secure. One way to do this is by making a Ready-Steady Emergency Kit.

Via: defendernetwork.com All moms need more time to handle their busy schedules – that’s a universal truth – but it could be argued that no one feels that cataclysmic time shift more than a first-time mother.

Dear Tom, I want you to know that my husband works as a soil technician, where he has been working for nine years. http://www.blackamericaweb.com/?q=articles/news/the_black_diaspora_news/35331

Raising your children is one of life’s greatest challenges. Children pay attention to how their parents speak, treat, and relate to one another. What they see in their parent’s marriage is what they’re likely to repeat in their own. Imagine living your life under a microscope as First Lady Michelle Obama does on a daily […]

There tends to be a well-meaning sweetness in the lies parents tell their kids, which is a very good thing, since we seem to tell a lot of them. Yes, that indecipherable crayon scribble looks exactly like Grandma. http://www.blackamericaweb.com/?q=blog_inner/33497/6546626/Nikki_Woods

(From apartmenttherapy.com) Remember when you went to visit a friend and her new baby BEFORE you had a baby? At least for us, we just didn’t realize the place they were at. We wanted to stay and hear all about the birth and just hang out.