For so many people, Christmas is about rampant commercialism. Many take this opportunity to try to keep up with the Joneses. They rush here and there, trying to keep up with a hectic schedule. I propose that we all jump off that speeding train and take time to not only appreciate the true meaning of […]

As a topic, making mistakes, your friends may have you wondering how in the world mistakes could be your friend. The thought of such a relationship might seem highly unlikely. However, little speed bumps and detours on this winding road, known as life, can serve as the keystone for overall success and fulfillment as a […]

How Changes in Thinking Changes Your Life What you say is what you get. Your speech is a reflection of what you are thinking. To the extent that you change your thinking, you can and will change your life. For example, if you think that you never have good luck, not only will you continue […]

We Can All Succeed After doing my “Sunday Morning Live” program this week, I reflected on some of the dialogue with my call-in guests. I concluded that far too many people believe that there is a limited number of opportunities to succeed in life. They believe that abundance and wealth are limited, also. Even worse, […]

Change is Constant There is nothing in life more certain than change. Just reflect for a moment on how things were only five or 10 years ago and you will realize in a very short time that our daily life is quite different.  A look back a little further, and we have a long list […]


The stealth attacks of clutter may be sabotaging your fitness goals. We get so used to it; we gradually ignore this insidious invader in our…

Via Newsone: Get a move on improving you!   Check out 21 things that could be holding you back, you’d be surprised at what’s first on the list!   Read more

If you’re a fan of R&B Divas L.A., you may have seen the episode that featured the ladies marrying themselves in a ceremony.  They each…

Have you ever had someone stop by your house unexpectedly? It’s the worse when you’re not prepared for company. It’s embarrassing. You and your house…

“Doing the best at this moment, puts you in the best place for the next moment.”   Oprah Winfrey