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Are you broke, out of work, or just not into dealing with the troubles of shopping? All those long lines, pushy people and dumb store workers who can’t find the camera you wanted to buy for your father can be overwhelming. Even shopping online is hard. I tried to buy a Wii game for my nephew and a big sign came up right after I finalized my order that said they were out of stock! Gift-giving is hard and its sometimes feel like nothing makes it easier.

Luckily, I have the economically-safe, simplistic, no fuss way to give someone the best gift, EVER! Make their gift from scratch. Create something they need with your bare hands and trust me, most people will be thankful you thought so much of them to actually take time out of your life to make them something. Take it back to pre-K, when you made your mom that card or sign out of macaroni. Christmas should be about how much you care; not how much you spend.

Make Your Bathroom Festive This Christmas

The first thing you have to do is find out what you’re good at creating. If you’re a great cook, find out what type of foods the person you are focusing on likes. Make a large amount of cookies in the shape of a Christmas tree. Make sure you know about any allegories the person may have. You don’t want to put someone in the hospital Christmas day.

Investigate about clothing or artsy items you can make. If someone, like myself, loves scarves, knit them one as a gift. Yarn and needles are pretty cheap ranging from 5-10 dollars to make one heck of a scarf, sweater, or pair of socks. has step-by-step instructions to help you become an expert knitter.

10 Christmas Gifts For Your Best Friend For Under $50

So tap into that inner artist in you and give something different this year. Making your gifts not only saves you money, but it can also teach you a trade that can make you money later on in life. Also, a lot of creative endeavors lower stress levels and are very therapeutic. The holidays are about thoughtfulness and nothing is more thoughtful than creating someone’s Christmas gift.