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When one of Jackson’s children fell ill in Vegas, a late night trip to a doctor’s office led the media to believe Jackson was ill instead. After that, the bodyguards say, he wanted a doctor who could come directly to the house for any medical issue. That is how he came under the care of Murray.

One of the biggest surprises for his guards was Jackson’s love for classical music. It’s what he enjoyed most when he was listening to music on his own, both in the car and in his home. And they confirm his legendary work ethic as well a a penchant for takeout food that included ice cream, popcorn and hot wings.

“When he went into his studio mode, we wouldn’t even disturb him,” says Beard. “You got to know him enough that you wouldn’t disturb him. We would call him or we would ring the doorbell. He would come to the door.”

The bodyguards laugh when asked about Jackson’s nose, rumored to have been whittled down to gristle after his multiple plastic surgeries.

“Not true that he didn’t have a nose,” says Whitfield. “He always had a nose We’ve seen his nose a million times.”

Though neither man was with Jackson in the last days of his life, both had a feeling that things were getting bad for him.

“I certainly got the vibe that it was totally different [when Jackson was rehearsing for the London shows.] I’m starting to see this whole King of Pop thing form,” says Whitfield. When asked if they felt bad about his declining physical condition in the time before his death, they both say yes.

“Sad for him, all the time,” Whitfield says. “I didn’t think he would not [make the tour] but I didn’t think he was enthused.”


Jackson Bodyguards Reveal His Challenges In New Book  was originally published on

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