If you want to burn some extra calories you don’t have to go to the gym– you could just clean your house. MuscleFood.com looked at household chores and figured out what calorie-burning exercise each chore would equate to. They found that, Doing laundry for an hour equates to doing 100 sit-ups, while cleaning windows equates […]

Calorie counting is an age-old pastime, but as is the case with pretty much everything in the world these days, there’s now a high tech…

Here are some great snacks for the office and they’re all under 150 calories!  Find out what they are here.

Who says you can’t have ice cream when dieting? Here are 8 slimming frozen desserts that have 160 calories or less, straight from Women’s Health. Breyers All Natural Strawberry ice cream 120 calories per half-cup, $5.60/1.5 quarts “Research suggests that if you’re eating a single flavor, you’ll eat less,” says Dawn Jackson Blatner, R.D., a […]

It’s almost noon and the only thing that’s on your mind is where you are going to go for lunch.  Seriously, ANYTHING to get out of the office for an hour! But rather than emptying your wallet and filling yourself up with unnecessary calories, pack yourself a lunch and pick a pretty spot in the […]

(From Zenhabits.net) Diet is the biggest component to losing fat — you can burn 600 calories (for example) in a workout, but you can easily eat 2-3 times that much in one sitting if you’re eating junk food. As they say, you can’t out-exercise a bad diet. I’d still recommend getting active and burning calories […]