"Black Women In Medicine" was a five-year effort that began in 2011. But Crystal Emery asserts the film was not created to lament about the lack of diversity in the field, but to do do something much more boundless.

If you’re diabetic or know someone with diabetes then take a look at these apps that can help you control your condition and improve your health.  Technology has put a lot of information at our finger tips so lets put that mobile phone or tablet to work for us.  Click here for More. 


If you’re going to get fitness pointers, there is no better place to get it than a Pro Athlete that can vouch for the results of his or her routine.  So take notes and click here for DWYANE WADE’S 3 POINTERS FOR FITNESS.

If a research survey of African American professional women is any indication, attitudes may be changing towards participation in medical research. Mayo Clinic and The…

Georgia pediatrician Dr. Stephanie Kong and her practice Zoe Pediatric believe the battle against childhood obesity can be fought…and won. They believe in awareness and…

Dr. Sanjay Gupta has figured out what a lot of people know already – smoking weed can be a good thing. Yes, Dr. Gupta says…

The Today Show conducted a play date experiment with children to see if the caps on medication containers really worked. Take a look at the video to see how it all turned out!

This sounded crazy when I first heard it but when you think about love from a hug can be strong you know it just makes you feel better check out why they say  this could help.Read More

Flu season’s arrived with lots of coughing and fever in the South and New York City, and it’s sure to spread to the rest of the country.