For so many people, Christmas is about rampant commercialism. Many take this opportunity to try to keep up with the Joneses. They rush here and there, trying to keep up with a hectic schedule. I propose that we all jump off that speeding train and take time to not only appreciate the true meaning of […]

We Can All Succeed After doing my “Sunday Morning Live” program this week, I reflected on some of the dialogue with my call-in guests. I concluded that far too many people believe that there is a limited number of opportunities to succeed in life. They believe that abundance and wealth are limited, also. Even worse, […]

Jim Kwik is a globally recognized leader in memory improvement, brain performance, and accelerated learning. In his lifetime, he’s sustained two traumatic brain injuries that left him with significant learning disabilities. But despite the obstacles he had to overcome in recovery, he became obsessed with the brain and its superpower-like capabilities. He has now turned […]

Michael Jackson explains how to find your zone and take yourself to the next level.  Check it out below.  Enjoy!

Check out Bill Gates’s top 10 rules for success. It might help you take your career to the next level.  Enjoy!

Check out this motivational message from Actor Sylvester Stallone.

Today’s Wednesday but I like to call it Wisdom Wednesday Wisdom. This week feature is Actor Denzel Washington. He gives a motivational speech on some of this trials and tribulations that had made him the success he is today. This video is a must watch and I feel will truly change your life for the […]

Motivation IS, an inside job. Inertia is the most difficult thing to overcome.  When it gets down to improving ourselves in any part of our lives, we must have a clear reason to get started and to keep going. The reason IS our motivation for doing the thing that we do. To simply attempt to […]

Their are no excuses for why you are not living up to your full potential. Check out this motivational video featuring Eric Thomas below!  

Check out this motivational video from B.B. King. He explains why you should always do the best that you can do. Check it out below!  

Motivational speaker Eric Thomas, aka E.T. The Hip Hop Preacher, wants you to love your haters.  He wants you to be a master of execution.  It will take you life and work ethic to the next level. He wants you to love your haters because you have to conquer the small milestones to take it to the […]

Eric Thomas aka E.T. The Hip Hop Preacher explains how to face your fears.  Check it out below!