Entertainment News

2014 will go down as a landmark year for Blacks on The Great White Way. In May, musical theater veteran Norm Lewis (who gained television…

  ‘RHOA’ star and actress Nene Leakes takes over for Sherri Shepherd as the wicked stepmother in ‘Cinderella’ on Broadway, November 25th. She talks to…

Despite a fickle fan base of women and gay men who define their vocabulary with “Bloop,” NeNe Leakes will always be the most favored “Real…

Sunday night is “Housewives” night, and it’s probably best it might be best if we all left their shenanigans on TV in our off hours.…

Jay Z and Beyonce are two of the biggest superstars on the planet so it’s pretty shocking to us that one Parisian man didn’t know…

Girl! Bravo released the trailer for season 7  of “Real Housewives Of Atlanta” and if you thought the show reached its peak seasons ago, you’re…

NeNe Leakes may have already lined up a new long-term gig before her final season on “The Real Housewives of Atlanta.” There are whispers that NeNe…

The cliques have very clearly been formed for season 7 of “The Real Housewives of Atlanta,” but one of the peaches ay be standing alone!…