Sasha and Malia skipped out on Wednesday's event; probably to avoid their father's Thanksgiving jokes.

Sophie Theallet also urged her colleagues to follow her lead, citing that "integrity is our only true currency."

President-elect Donald Trump should have opened his epic 90-minute meeting with President Barack Obama Thursday with two simple words: “I’m sorry.” But he didn’t. Obama and Trump shook hands inside the White House and discussed a civil transfer of power two days after a racially divided nation witnessed Trump’s historic defeat of Hillary Clinton. The […]

The event, which happened last month, was aimed at empowering our youth to read and see themselves as heroes.

Watch POTUS hilariously pop it with Usher and Janelle Monáe at "BET’s Love and Happiness: A Musical Experience" event.

Entertainment News

As the world unwillingly comes to grips with the fact that The Obamas are leaving The White House and reflecting on the change and inspiration they have given us over the years, there is a realization that we should be celebrating The First Family before they leave. BET Network has been tapped to host a […]

The White House is a dream gig for any deejay, but what if you’re 11-years-old? Despite not being that far along in his deejay career, that’s the story of pre-teen Dylan Curtis. The Philadelphia native, who goes by DJ D-Ill, scored the gig after learning his skills from his father, also a deejay, and honing […]


During the opening ceremonies Monday at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, First Lady Michelle Obama mentioned in her speech that the White House was built by slaves. A growing number of skeptics attempted to discredit Mrs. Obama’s remarks, but the story has been verified several times over by historians in recent times. According to […]

Homepage Lead

Today marked the very first United State of Women Summit at The White House led by President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. As expected, the event attracted some of the most powerful, educated and elegant ladies in the country as they gathered to talk about worldwide women’s equality and other women-related topics.   […]

“Let me tell you, there are three things that are certain in life: death, taxes and Michelle is not running for president,” Obama said. “That I can tell you.”