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Every day there seems to be some type of new news that’s surfacing in regards to that fateful day in February when Trayvon Martin lost his life at the hands of self-appointed neighborhood watch captain, George Zimmerman. What I want to do is take a look at the facts that have been surfacing that are more than likely going to be ignored when it comes to convicting Zimmerman for Martin’s murder.

  • George Zimmerman refused medical care after the shooting on three different occasions (at the scene, during the ride to the police station and after arriving at the station), even though he claims now that he acted in self-defense. Had this man been injured in the way he claims–broken nose, bruised and bloodied–a doctor’s care would have been in order.
  • Shooting Trayvon Martin was 100% avoidable. Zimmerman left his vehicle to pursue Martin on foot, even though he was told by 911 dispatch to not follow Martin. Had Zimmerman just remained in his car and waited for the authorities, Martin would be alive.
  • This photo of Zimmerman was taken the day after he shot Martin (Feb 27). This does not look like a victim. This is not what a man looks like when he’s involved in a fight for his life–which is what Zimmerman claims the altercation between he and Martin was, resulting in the fatal shot to Martin’s chest.
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  • Zimmerman’s frequent 911 calls before he ever met Trayvon Martin should certainly be brought up as evidence, proving that Zimmerman is a vigilante that needs to feel like an authority. Each and every time Zimmerman called 911, it was to report a young black man that he found “suspicious.”
  • There was a woman that called one of the case’s investigators two days after the shooting, saying that Zimmerman, “has racist ideologies and that he is fully capable of instigating a confrontation that could have escalated to the point of Zimmerman having to use deadly force.” This woman has yet to be identified, questioned or even located.
  • The lead investigator wanted to charge Zimmerman with manslaughter in the weeks after the shooting but was overruled.Why? If a lead investigator has enough evidence to charge a man, how is it that he can be silenced?
  • George Zimmerman’s old Myspace page and his frequent 911 calls proves that he’s a racist or at least someone that has problems with people that are not of his racial background. The same woman that called saying Zimmerman had “racist idealogies” said “I don’t at all know who this kid was or anything else. But I know George, and I know that he does not like black people. He would start something. He’s very confrontational. It’s in his blood. We’ll just say that.”
  • A former coworker of Zimmerman made a statement, claiming that Zimmerman would allegedly tease him about his Middle Eastern heritage. Zimmerman would make references to bombings, terrorists and spoke to the man in a exaggerated Middle Eastern accent.
  • Zimmerman, innocent or not, shot and killed a man. Since Trayvon’s bloodstream is coming into question in this trial, why wasn’t Zimmerman drug tested?

What do you think about these facts conveniently being left out of this investigation? Let’s discuss on Twitter @Rhapsodani.

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9 Facts That Aren’t Being Considered In The Trayvon Martin Case  was originally published on