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A new ad from the Conservative Majority Fund PAC has taught us that the YouTube conspiracy theories that sensible people roll their eyes at today may become the TV ads they curse at tomorrow.

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Refusing to stand idle while all the others have fun with their lies, the PAC has released a new ad offering a one-minute summation of all the political folklore that’s saddled President Barack Obama’s reputation among the gullible and prejudiced: President Obama’s birth certificate doesn’t exist, he has a Massachusetts social security number, and all of his records – both academic and professional – are signed, sealed, delivered…but not yours to see.

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Yes, these theories have long been debunked, but since when does the truth matter?

Isn’t that right, Mitt Romney?

Watch the ad, which has reportedly run on FOX News, here:

No need to stop here, though, Birthers. Why not say that President Obama — up until 2004 — was living in the sewers of New York City with a giant lab rat and he had a weird obsession with pizza? Can you imagine the calorie-count-spawned fury that would hit First Lady Michelle Obama?

In any event, the intent of this ad is to push the organization’s arduous task of stripping President Obama of the Democratic presidential nomination.

The narrator declares, “The fact is if we don’t know who Barack Obama is, we shouldn’t even have him as president.”

According to the PAC, all they need is 10,000 signatures to make kick President Obama from the White House. Raise your hand if you actually think that this makes sense? If you raised your hand, slap yourself silly for five minutes and think about what you’ve done.

This ad is cheap and the narrator sounds like he studied from the Speedy Gonzalez School of Broadcasting, and the likelihood that this group successfully completed their task of making the President lose his nomination is about as probable as Newt Gingrich marrying Rick Ross.

Unfortunately, we now live in an era where people can funnel funds in every direction as a means to an end. That sadly includes even these lunatics. The money used to make this ad – even if it is only $7 – could’ve gone elsewhere: A Popeye’s combo, a Chick-fil-A sandwich (hey, this is a conservative group and it is their right), gas money, or buying some school supplies so children won’t grow up to repeat this high level of idiocies.

Anything instead of this waste of time and ad space…but you know, everyone wants a piece of the action so bless your lil’ hearts for trying.

Or not.

Sound off!

Michael Arceneaux is a Houston-bred, Howard-educated writer. You can read more of his work on his site, The Cynical Ones. Follow him on Twitter: @youngsinick

Seriously? Birthers Take Out TV Ad To Kick Obama From Ballot  was originally published on