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Nothing feels better than coming home after a long day to a fresh, relaxing space. Create your at-home getaway living space in five easy steps:

1.    Clear away the clutter: Out with the old in and in with the new! Take some time to empty those boxes, shred those old papers and documents and organize your space. Give away those gently used items you’ve been meaning to get rid of. Utilize wall shelving to get items off of the floor or display keepsakes. Or simply rearranging your furniture can give a whole new perspective on your space.

2.    Lighting is key: Placing that floor or table lamp in just the right spot can make all the difference when trying to create a peaceful space. Place candles in various spaces to set the mood for relaxation. And for those hard-to-reach candle wicks, use a dry spaghetti to quickly light them.

3.    Bring the outdoors in: Greenery can add a natural touch to just about any space. Places vases on end tables and fill with flowers weekly to bring color to the room.

4.    Just add comfort: Add cozy to your space with big decorative pillows, a warm throw or blanket or a thick pile rug that feels good under your feet.

5.    Freshen up: Put the finishing touch on your new clean space with your favorite scent. Open the windows for 15-30 minutes for circulation then freshen the air with Febreze Air Effects.

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Creating the Ultimate Relaxing Living Space  was originally published on