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Given my stance on baby gear, I cannot finish this week’s piece without mentioning how corny baby dadd thugging is. Fine, a little extra swag to show your pride in fatherhood is cool, but acting like you’re hiding an extra clip in your baby’s Huggies is fantastically wack.

No one is impressed, not even the guy you’re doing it for. What always works best for me is a nod and smile of solidarity. It always lets the other guy know that no matter how tough any of us think we are, in about 30 minutes or sooner, we will be wiping the butt of someone who needs no street cred at all to call the shots.

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Larry Hester is a Brooklyn-born writer who’s written for Vibe,, The Source, Complex and more. He now resides in Newark, New Jersey with his wife and son. He welcomes any parenting advice or encouragement. Check him out on Facebook and Twitter @almostcooldad.

Does This Diaper Bag Make Me Look Soft?  was originally published on

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