

CNNMoney reports what we all know — big federal spending cuts are on the way. However, the only thing we don’t know is whether it’s going to be  $1 trillion or $3 trillion.  But make no mistake — they are coming.  Read More:


They say that if you’re angry with someone, you should write a letter, get all the mean stuff out, and then tear it up or delete it. When you’re a little more calm, you write another letter or confront the person face to face. http://www.blackamericaweb.com/?q=blog_inner/29954/1573138/The Fly Jock

The debate over President Barack Obama’s performance on the black agenda deepens this weekend, when community activist Rev. Al Sharpton and scholar Cornel West engage in a debate at 12:30 p.m. central time Friday afternoon at the National Newspaper Publishers Association’s annual conference in Chicago. http://www.blackamericaweb.com/?q=articles/news/moving_america_news/29562


Republican Rick Perry is the 47th governor of Texas and some say that he has the to win a national race.  CNN.com has the story.  Read More:


A difference of opinion led to a mass exodus of Newt Gingrich’s senior campaign staff.  One complaint, according to one source, is that he didn’t make the “time to go and shake hands with voters.”  Fans can still see him at the Republican debate on Monday. Read More:

*After months of flirting with a White House run while promoting his NBC show “Celebrity Apprentice,” Donald Trump announced today he will not make a play for president in 2012. http://www.eurweb.com/?p=105460


President Obama seemed to lay out a path to legal status for the undocumented.  He said: “people who have entered the country illegally have to admit they broke the law, pay taxes and a fine, learn English and be willing to undergo background checks before starting the legalization process.”  Read More:

President Barack Obama signed a short-term funding extension on Saturday hours after Democrats and Republicans narrowly averted a partial shutdown of the federal government by agreeing on the measure and a budget deal. The new funding extension, which cuts spending by $2 billion, will last through next Friday, April 15. The Senate immediately passed the […]


If the government shuts down tomorrow the list of activities and functions that may be affected is growing.  Needless to say, folks are getting a little peeved about it too.  CNN lists a few of the negative impacts that could arise if Congress and the White House fail to approve a budget by midnight.  Read […]

Make no mistake about it: Monday’s re-election announcement by President Obama is about the money. By filing papers with the Federal Election Commission, the president can begin to fundraise for his re-election campaign. In fact, his campaign has quietly been lining up events across the country for the next few months. Expect, for instance, to […]