Say it ain’t so, but according to MSNBC, Bill Cosby admitted in a 2005 deposition, to drugging women with Quaaludes and having sex with them. You know what they say, where here is smoke, there is fire. With all of the women to come forth with similar stories in the last few years, there was […]

Up until now, the Cosby camp has been relatively quiet regarding the numerous allegations of drugging and rape against Bill Cosby. You can’t help but wonder how his wife of 50 years has been coping with all of this. “Love and the strength of womanhood. And you could put it, reverse it. The strength of […]

Among the allegations of rape and sexual assault that Bill Cosby’s lawyer says are discredited and decades old, former super model Janice Dickinson spoke on the television show ET and told a story of how Bill Cosby raped her when she was in her 20s. Not only that, but Netflix has cancelled the airing of […]