Girls don’t like science. Girls don’t code. Girls don’t build computer apps. In fields dominated by white and Asian men, women and young girls interested…

Erika James was appointed Dean of Goizueta Business School in May 2014, becoming only one of three African American’s deans at an American colleges of business.  She’s…

Most of us use Wikipedia whenever we need our memories refreshed or some quick information on various people and topics. So much can be discovered while you’re…


We have compiled a list of ten black [and some not so black] films that shifted not only the world of cinema but culture as…


If you’ve seen Selma, you probably recall Diane Nash’s character (played by Tessa Thompson) marching alongside activists like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., James Bevel…


If you’ve seen last year’s critically acclaimed film Selma , you probably recall Diane Nash’s character (played by Tessa Thompson) marching alongside activists like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., James Bevel and (now congressman) John Lewis. Even though it was a small part, don’t let Nash’s small role in the film fool you. She was a crucial […]


Words can be a powerful tool for change. Here are 10 speeches by African-Americans whose words impacted everyone who heard them. President Obama’s 2009 Inaugural…

Majic 102.1 Robert Bassman Washington shares his 2015 Black History Month moment.  Check it out!

Majic’s 102.1 Uncle Funky Larry Jones Shares his 2015 Black History Month  moment.  Check it out below!


Thousands of African-American inventors have developed various inventions over the years that have greatly impacted culture. However, today we are highlighting only 10 African-American inventors…

Renowned author Langston Hughes once asked ‘What happens to a dream deferred?’ For most, that early desire is swallowed up by the realities of life…