“Super PACs” to the rescue!  The 2012 election season couldn’t have come at a better time for the U.S. Postal Service.  October will be a great month.  CNNMoney has the complete story.  Read More:


According to CNNMoney, we are paying at least 30 cents a gallon more for gas in the U.S. because of tensions with Iran.  Prices are at a 9-month high. But, experts say prices are going even higher. Read More:


There was an increase in foreclosure activity in January.  This may be a sign that more delinquent homes may be going on the market in the coming months.  There was a 3% increase in the number of homes hit with a notice of default, auction sale, bank repossession or some other foreclosure filing in January […]


Everyone is not happy with the $26 billion mortgage settlement deal, which will settle charges of mortgage fraud. Liberals say the deal offers too little relief and doesn’t cover enough people. While, conservatives say the deal unfairly rewards those who miss payments. CNN.com has the story.


42 states have now signed on to the deal that would provide up to $25 billion to “qualified” homeowners who are “underwater” or whose homes have been foreclosed on, since the beginning of the mortgage meltdown. CNN.com has the story. Read More: