Bolden's father, James Bolden, thanks the DeWitt family for their generosity and is urging anyone with information to come forward.

The Democratic presidential frontrunner surprised three activists when she made the statement about changing racism.


As Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton continues her campaign, the presidential candidate can’t seem to escape a growing email scandal.

Obama urged Congress to restore the Voting Rights Act and to make it easier for voters to be heard.

State residents are still allowed to commemorate the lives of Confederate soldiers if they so choose.

Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton announced an education plan involving the spending of $350 billion over ten years for students to attend college without the lingering fear of…

Is this a political move or is the reality of Black men's incarceration a deep concern for Hilary Clinton?

Unlike almost every one of her Republican rivals, Hillary Clinton is not ignoring the Black vote. It’s likely mostly because she recognizes she can’t without…

Clearing up comments he made, presidential candidate Jeb Bush said he "misspoke" when he suggested women's health was overfunded.


The FBI has launched an investigation to take a closer look at Hillary Clinton’s private email account.

Eric Schneiderman, the newly appointed New York attorney general, was specially hired to investigate the police deaths of unarmed citizens.

Earlier this year, the Justice Department released a program to better train police in how they interact with local communities.