9/12/16- Tom and J. Anthony Brown have come up with the real reason Hillary Clinton was woozy over the weekend. Click the link above to hear the funny!

  9/12/16- Tom and J. Anthony Brown have come up with the real reason Hillary Clinton was woozy over the weekend. Click the link above to hear the funny!

Witnesses who attended the service said Clinton appeared fine, but after a Twitter video emerged showing the candidate buckling at the knees before she entered her security van, the health rumors began to spread.

Unfortunately, this hasn't been the first time Sen. Clinton's health has been questioned.

News One Exclusives

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is calling out the Republicans in North Carolina for making it harder for Black people to vote in the state. The state board of elections voted to reduce early voting hours in 23 counties. Back in 2008, early voting hours were increased in 70 counties. The board also slashed Sunday […]

News One Exclusives

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump took part in the Commander-in-Chief’s Forum, hosted by NBC News’ Matt Lauer, on Wednesday night. The discussion focused on how the two presidential candidates would address issues of national security and allowed them to explain their respective approaches to foreign policy. Retired U.S. Army General John Hawkins, III spoke with Roland […]


  Secretary Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump both took part in a presidential forum last night. My commentaries have focused so much on Donald Trump lately, I’ve decided to give you a break and discuss Secretary Clinton this time. The secretary took questions first. And what do you think was the first question? If you […]

The choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump remains problematic as Election Day draws under the two-month mark.

News One Exclusives

It's never a good idea to post or share anything online featuring an image of someone in blackface.

Nicole Milfie was unapologetic when speaking on women's sexuality and feminism. The cause of her death is still unknown. Twitter users created the hashtag #RIPMilfie to mourn her death. Read more.

A spokesperson for Clinton's campaign said the outreach strategy 'will encourage HBCU students to organize their student bodies, register, re-register, and mobilize their peers for the election.'

News One Exclusives

Hillary Clinton and Paul Ryan have apparently reached across the aisle to support a ground-breaking anti-poverty plan.