As a topic, making mistakes, your friends may have you wondering how in the world mistakes could be your friend. The thought of such a relationship might seem highly unlikely. However, little speed bumps and detours on this winding road, known as life, can serve as the keystone for overall success and fulfillment as a […]

Are you aware that your thought process is working all of the time? Do you realize that there is a Law of Attraction that corresponds to your thinking, as well?  Our conscious thoughts take root in the subconscious mind where they remain. As a result, we are not always aware of the energy created by […]

Motivation IS, an inside job. Inertia is the most difficult thing to overcome.  When it gets down to improving ourselves in any part of our lives, we must have a clear reason to get started and to keep going. The reason IS our motivation for doing the thing that we do. To simply attempt to […]

What Makes You Tick? Part II So, you want to be all you can be. Well, it’s not always that easy, even in the Army. Too often, we choose to see ourselves somewhat contented with our lives and situations just the way they are. But of course when you are up to your waist in […]

Inertia is the most difficult thing to overcome.  When it gets down to improving ourselves in any part of our lives, we must have a clear reason to get started and to keep going. The reason IS our motivation for doing the thing that we do. To simply attempt to improve or grow in any […]