Roland Martin talks with Senator John Horn about the case of Mississippi death row inmate Willie Manning.


Roland Martin talks with Christen Rochon of “Divas and Dorks” about the top three tech gadgets for the perfect Mother’s Day gift.


Roland Martin talks with Tom Burrell about the banned Mountain Dew commercial that was pulled from TV after Pepsi Co. received criticism for it’s racist…


Roland Martin talks with journalist dream hampton about ‘Assata Shakur’  being placed on the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists List.


Roland Martin details a strange case where a 16-year-old high school student named Kiera Wilmot has been charged with a felony and expelled from school over…


Roland Martin talks with Dr. Lawana Gladney about the plastic surgery craze that have women running to the nearest plastic surgeon to get arms like…


Roland Martin talks with Cleo Manago about the impact of Jason Collins’ announcement, how it affects the black community and Manago answers the question of…


Roland Martin talks with Andrea Gillespie, assistant professor of political science at Emory University, about the high black voter turnout in the 2012 re-election of…


White House correspondent April Ryan talks with Dr. Rachel Ross about the never resolved question of “why do men cheat.” Plus, she gives the crew…


White House correspondent April Ryan talks with Congresswoman Marcia Fudge, the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Chair, about the CBC’s fight over lack of diversity in…


White House Correspondent April Ryan talks with Alfred Edmund Jr. of Black Enterprise about “Financial Literacy Month”. Edmund also provides you with some financial tips…


Roland Martin talks with Boston Globe’s Wesley Lowery and Don Clark, former FBI special agent about the manhunt going on in Boston for the man…