Each week things heat up and Wednesday’s episode was no different! Let’s jump in. Cato hosts a prestigious party in Philadelphia attended by Frederick Douglass (played by the show’s Executive Producer, John Legend) and other prominent abolitionists to discuss the cause, but not before chaos ensues. Back at the boarding house, hunters arrest Georgia for […]

With photos of Harriet Tubman being few and far between, when a rare new photo of her surfaced it was a huge deal. While most photos depict Tubman as an elderly woman, a newly unearthed picture shows a much younger Tubman and was quickly acquired by the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African-American History […]


Oney “Ona” Judge, also known as Oney Judge Staines, gained fame as an escaped slave who avoided the search efforts of President George Washington. Much of Judge’s story became known shortly before her death via a pair of interviews and was a valuable resource to abolitionists. Born in 1773 at Virginia’s Mount Vernon estate to […]


Eli Whitney, who is credited for patenting the cotton gin machine on this day in 1794, became a topic of discussion at the top of this year’s Black History Month. Although the farmer and inventor was depicted as a Black man to some students, in fact, Whitney was a white man. Born December 8, 1765 […]

The South Mountain Elementary School apologized for the assignment and took the drawings down from the school's hallway.


The room of Sally Hemings, a slave who had a long-term relationship with Thomas Jefferson, will be excavated at Monticello.


Rep. John Conyers held a Capitol Hill briefing to spark dialogue about reparations.


NBC News Los Angeles reports the Los Angeles United School District is investigating a teacher who gave a word problem to 7-year-olds that featured slaves, cotton picking, “masters,” the "missus," and the “Big House.”


Harriet Jacobs was a former slave who penned an autobiography detailing her escape from an oppressive master who made sexual advances towards her. Jacobs became a darling of the anti-slavery movement with the publication of her book, Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl, helping other slaves by way of her celebrity. Jacobs was born […]


Yale University announced that John C. Calhoun College will be renamed after computer scientist Grace Murray Hopper.


  In the 19th Century, slavery and racism was still entrenched in the U.S., but opposition was growing. David Walker, an outspoken abolitionist, released a pamphlet calling for the end of slavery by any means necessary and made himself one of the most wanted and feared men of his time. Born in Wilmington, N.C. in […]

Willie Morgan, who hails from Georgia, grows actual cotton in Harlem to teach children in his neighborhood about slavery.