Gain a sense of control by setting reasonable and attainable goals related to limiting your use. For example, if you typically spend five hours a day online, then try cutting it down to three hours. Stay focused on your goal by listing the top three problems related to use followed by three potential benefits of […]


See what our friends ant have to say about the effect of Time change on our bodies. Click here to READ MORE.

She was an easy mother….we seemed always to have time for ourselves which, I now understand, was her gift to us. –Gloria Wade-Gayles                                  On this day, I will take five minutes  to consider whether  I am giving my sons and myself enough time for personal growth. Read more…


The way different people think about time is important to consider because by seeing life from a past, present, or future perspective could affect your life in a variety of ways. While past-oriented people see life as something involved with tradition, future thinkers are always planning for upcoming events, even if they’re years away. Those […]


This morning on my way to work, I had to change my usual route due to a transportation problem beyond my control. A few years ago, if this had happened, I would have freaked out and not known what to do, as I was not used to the issues that can occur in a big […]


When I’m thinking about what to write, I often find myself thinking of the small moments in life that tend to make me smile and reflect on the most. I tend to get my best musings when I least expect it, such as during my daily coffee run or while maneuvering down a busy walkway […]

I like to spend time alone with my children, whether it’s all three of them together or one at a time. When I team up with one child, I come to understand his or her individual personality and what that child is about inside. –Bo Jackson On this day I pledge to find time to […]

Affirmative action begin at home.  -Detroit barber On this day, I will take five minutes whether I am exhausting every opportunity to secure opportunities that will permit my sons to stretch to their potential and get in touch with what life has to offer. Read more…

It’s the summer – the sun’s out, hammocks are in style. What better way to relax in the summer breeze than by opening a good book? Reading is a great way to unwind outside and enjoy the weather while also exercising your mind – however, with the world being busier than ever these days, a […]

(From Hey working parents—ready for some good news? A study detailed in today’s New York Times bears the surprising news that contrary to popular belief, working parents are actually spending more time with their kids. A lot more.

(From Many people do some form of aerobic exercise. Some get results, and some don’t. One article can’t possibly begin to explore the depth of this huge topic, but here are some key factors to keep in mind when you do cardio.

Daylight saving time begins at 2 a.m. ET Sunday, so don’t forget to set your clocks ahead by an hour before you go to bed Saturday night.  You lose an hour of sleep and you have Ben Franklin to blame. Franklin is thought to have come up with the idea for daylight saving time. Read […]