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Summer is winding down and the fall semester is soon to begin. Your little ones will either be beginning school for the first time or resuming their studies. Are you excited?

Are you done having them eat you out of house and home and “accidentally” breaking things in the house while you’re away at work? Are the kids back from their camps and summer programs and ready to see their bff’s and school buddies? Well we have just a couple tips to help accelerate your children back into  school spirit.

We all know that the summer time is great for staying up later than late, and not having a care in the world, disregarding responsibility. But, reality sets in and before the kids know it they’re in their classrooms tired and dozing off. Now, parents is a great time to implement that school year bed time.

Let the kids understand the necessity to get a full night’s rest and start sending them to bed to get the body back in the habit of structured sleeps and wakes. Also, you want to make sure they are rising at a decent morning hour. No more sleeping past noon into the 1-3 o’clock hour.

You want also to make sure your kiddo is caught up on all shots, physicals, and exams. Doctor’s appointments can be a little difficult to come by with the flood of parents all looking to set an appointment at the same time. Some doctor’s offices are so busy they may not be able to see you until the following mid-month.

Certain permissions to participate in school may be revoked if your child is not caught up on their shots or their physicals. Difficulties with seeing the board or focusing may be an issue if your child needs glasses but have not their eyes checked.

Do your research on stores offering packaged deals on already-assembled school supplies.  If you want to buy everything separately thats fine, but the option is there to buy them pre-packaged according to the school’s listing of needs. There are also a lot of back-to-school drives that if you’re in need of supplying a student but do not have the means there are ways to still acquire those supplies.

Retailers are also changing their floor sets and getting new shipment in for the season change, so be on the look out for great sales and deals in case you missed the Black Friday sales. Back-to-school shopping doesn’t have to be a bank breaker, a lot of the more pricey items are sure to drop so maybe you can start with just the essentials [non-negotibales] and fish for deals to get the other negotiables.

Lastly, please remember that students perform well in school  with the inclusion of parent’s involvement. Do not skip out on opportunities to attend Parent-Teacher meetings to become aware of your children’s instructors, their curriculum and classroom expectations. An open flow of communication with teachers can help to ensure peak performance from your student. Help with homework and projects help to keep your child accountable as well as prepared for the classroom. Encouragement towards extracurricular activities are great too because it serves as a means to be involved, maturing in sportsmanship, team work, relationship building, and also perpetuate good behavior from students. School programs have a “no pass no play rule”  forcing kids to realize that if you want to participate your effort and conduct must be fitting.

You and your big or little babies are sure to have a successful and productive  school year! Hope that these tips will serve your family.

Photos: Tamar’s Backyard Boogie Baby Shower
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