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In Your 50’s

The Pros: You have entered the land of milk and honey and are most likely enjoying the fruits of your labor now. All this ultimately means that life should be becoming both simpler and sweeter. Your body has been through so much at this point and you appreciate it more for what it can do and has endured as opposed to simply how it looks. So rejoice in these golden days and truly enjoy all their glory.

The Cons: Meet menopause. Your estrogen production is declining, and if you continue to skip exercise you can expect up to a 30 percent decline in bone mass–setting yourself up for osteoporosis. Also at this point your body doesn’t process protein as well as it used to back in the day so you’re going to have to slightly exceed the recommend daily amount of 46 grams now too.

The Game Plan: According to Regina Ragone MS, RD (Food Director at Family Circle) the three things you absolutely must do during this decade is:

1) Reduce stress. Chronic stress throws off the regulation of the primary stress hormone cortisol which can ultimately cause weight gain (often times in the abdomen).

2) Don’t skip meals. Aim for three square meals or six mini-meals everyday in order to avoid dips in blood sugar.

3) Sleep at least 8-10 hours a night. Lack of sleep has been strongly associated with weight gain due to a variety of physiologic changes that take place. Think of it has a free beauty treatment since good sleep will help do more for your skin than a facial.

What are you doing to be fit at any age?!

Robbie Ann Darby (RAD Experience) is a professional FitGirl, Group Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer in NYC. Follow her sweaty life on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for more fun health and fitness tips!

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Divas Through The Decades: How To Be Fit At Any Age  was originally published on

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