
Tick Tick tick.. that is what greets each of us every day of our lives. It is the sound of time ebbing away. What we do and how we manage that time  is completely up to us. There are exactly 86400 seconds in each day. It never changes. It’s exact. Unfortunately, many of us do […]

I have said over and over again never let a chance pass you by.  This weekend I will have the experience. I am hoping you get the chance to  have the experience. What do you do when the greatest voices in Gospel hit the stage? You go  of course! R&B and Gospel icons BeBe & […]


According  to the AP, Father and son duo Will and Jayden Smith are coming back for another feature film…Oscar maybe?….Golden Globe?….You just never know with this talented father and son duo.

Misery loves company.We have all that countless times in our lives. Actually the real version of it is  “Solamen miseris socios habuisse doloris.” Today is the day we stop embracing things like this. Today and every day after we  will begin at our best. Of course we have to begin at the beginning – that […]

Letting go and letting God is all about surrendering the people we love to God’s loving arms and leaving them there. There are some things that we do not yet fully understand. We don’t always know why God does things the way He does them. But one, thing is sure: He always knows best. Let […]

Make no mistake about it: Monday’s re-election announcement by President Obama is about the money. By filing papers with the Federal Election Commission, the president can begin to fundraise for his re-election campaign. In fact, his campaign has quietly been lining up events across the country for the next few months. Expect, for instance, to […]


When you think of Kirk Franklin, you instantly think of him as  the gospel singer. You don’t necessarily think of Kirk Franklin, the father, the husband, the brother, the citizen. [ooyala YzeHZwMjqwCY2hJD5ft7zImMrwC34fl4 610 343 0 nolink] The opportunity to sit down and have a heart to heart with people is one that you can never […]

Via Former co-host of NBC’s Today Show, Katie Couric, popularly known as the current news anchor and hostess of CBS’ Evening News is about to step to the mic and grace our TV screens for the last time in just a few weeks. Having taken over for Dan Rather nearly five years ago on […]

The show takes the expected swipes at the usual targets, celibacy, mortification and simony, with the usual broad strokes, reading more like a college freshman theology paper on Church history than the script for a multimillion-dollar television enterprise. Yes, self  flagellation was used and has been used as penance. Yes, the Pope during the 15th […]

Not every black person makes it to college, and among those that do, not everyone graduates. But for the ones who go on to get that important credential, representing for their alma mater can become a big part of their lives.

President Barack Obama has launched his bid for re-election with the new theme, “It Begins With Us”. This kicks off the campaign to accept contributions for the re-election race. Obama’s first fundraiser will begin in Chicago, April 14th. You can check out more of his campaign here.


A Flat Contoured Stomach is a goal many people are striving to have.  However, the battle of the bulge is a reality many people have to face.  Are you doing a lot of ab exercises and still no results? Maybe there’s a bigger problem you need to address.