
In an upcoming episode of Law & Order SVU, the popular series will conflate the stories of southern celebrity chef Paula Deen and slain 17-year-old Trayvon…

Modern day heroine Antoinette Tuff (pictured), the fearless woman who calmed an armed 20-year-old gunman inside the main office of her Atlanta-area elementary school, received…


When Chaneya Kelly (pictured with her father, Daryl, and her small daughter) was eight years old, her mother forced her to say that her father…

Television, radio show, and Internet diva to the tenth power, B. Scott (pictured), who is openly gay, is reportedly suing mega-network BET because he claims…

Sean Hannity’s expressed hurt feelings over comments Oprah Winfrey made about the George Zimmerman trial and Trayvon Martin. The quote that got Sean’s conservative undies…