We must not only be able to black [shine] boots, but to make them. –Frederick Douglas                                      On this day,  I will encourage  my sons to talk to me about their dreams, and be supportive of those dreams, expressing confidence in their ability to achieve them. Read more…

I want to ask you a question. How many of you have have ever thought about something you wanted to do and you talked you out of it? –Les Brown                                                        On this day, I will talk to my sons about something they want to do, and focus on all the ways they can bring themself […]

Source: elev8.com Who decides if you are going to be a success or failure? Believe it or not the answer is “you”.  No one determines whether you are going to make it but “you”. You are either moving towards or away from success depending on your thoughts and actions. To achieve success you must be […]