This is a age old question I seen so many people stay because of the marriage and then when the kid goes off to college  they come home from there first semester then  the parents tell them that they are getting a divorce ,I think thats more devastating. Click here to see what BlackandMarrideWithKids have […]

TITLE: The Definition of Man, Today’s Single Father BODY: Standing ovations are awarded to the parent who sacrificed nights out with friends for teddy bears and bedtime stories. A round of applause for the time you were patient and answered every question followed by the ultimate question of “But, why?’’ and last but not least […]

Can you rel8 to this? Not that many people actually have a choice when thrust into single parenthood but I’m here to tell you, it is certainly NOT for those who are going to faint at the slightest woe.  Being a single parent means changing a few of your course directives and creating a new […]